When people first started to use mobile phones or cell phones as they are also known, there have been stories abound that by putting one of them close to a slot machine the signal emitted by that phone would in some way have an effect on a slot.
I have heard stories which have never been proven, that by rubbing a cell phone around a slot machines coin slot or bill acceptor the machine would then go haywire and would start registering lots of free credits or the slot would start to fire out coins.
You may have heard of such stories yourself, and whilst no one has ever shown that by doing so it is possible to defraud or confuse a slot machine, the designer of gaming machines did take some steps to ensure that a cell phones signal will have no negative effects over the running and operation of a slot machine.
I have however come across one way that a cell phone can be used as a way to defraud slot machines and having checked into the way that is possible I do have to say it is an amazing story, and even to this day some slot machines are still vulnerable to being ripped off with the use of a cell phone, and below you will discover just how that fraud has been and still is being committed.
Random Number Generator Cycles
Whilst random number generators are random due to their design, it has been discovered that some of the older styled ones are designed in such a way that it is possible to reverse engineer them and players with mathematical skills would be able to determine just where in the cycle of random numbers a random number generator is.
That may sound somewhat far-fetched; however, one teams of scamster were able to work out just which numbers a random number generator was about to churn out based on the way the reel symbols on a slot machine were spinning in.
What those fraudsters and slot cheats would then do is to send players to casinos all over the world and start playing slot machines on which there was a random number generator that could for all intents and purposes be cracked.
By playing any such slot machines for just a few spins, it was then possible to work out whether the slot machines was about to pay-out, and players would be able to work out when to click onto the spin button at just the right time that a random number would be selected that had a winning combination attached to it.
Filming and Broadcasting Slot Play
It did of course require some computing power to work out just which cycle of its random number generator the slot was in so to speak, however thanks to mobile phones it was possible to send a video of a player playing a slot machine to someone away from the casino that was sat in front of a computer.
The person then receiving the live slot play footage could then work out at just which point the slot machines RNG was at and then they could work out with pinpoint accuracy when the player based in the casino should click onto the start button to generate a winning combination.
That was done by the player broadcasting a live video stream in from of the slot with their mobile device and then the person working out the pay-out and RNG sequence would then send to another phone in the slot cheaters pocket a text massage.
When that phone beeped or vibrated that was when the player needed to click onto the spin button and by doping so at the right time a winning combination would be spun in, this may sound ridiculously far-fetched, but it did happen.
Receiving the Signal to Press the Start Button
It was quite some time before casino operators and slot machine designers cottoned onto the fact that slot cheats were able to work out just when a slot machine was going to pay out, by working out the RNG sequence.
However, once they did, they were then faced with the problem of how to overcome that problem, and one short term fix was for a casino’s security team and slot attendants to be on the lookout for players using a mobile phone when playing slot machines.
That is why even to this day many land based casinos across the globe and not going to allow you to film your own slot play when playing their slot machines, and if you try to do so after they have told you to stop you could find yourself being banned form that casino.
Some casinos are now however confident that there much newer range of slot machines cannot be manipulated or cheated in this way and as such they will be more than happy to allow their customers to film themselves playing slots in their casino venues.
Casinos are Finally Aware of This Scam
One thing that is now apparent is that all casinos across the globe are aware of this type of slot scam, however it has also been reported in lot of newspapers and in the general news media too so lot so f would be slot scamsters are also aware of how this scam works too.
That has actually led to some fraudsters choosing to offer people the secrets of this scam in exchange for large amounts of cash, and when people send in their money to find out how to pull it off they never hear from the person they have sent their money too, and are highly unlikely to report their financial loss to the police.